BNIグローバルがJCIとのパートナーシップを発表 全世界のビジネスプロフェッショナルと世界経済のサポートを強化

BNIグローバルがJCIとのパートナーシップを発表 全世界のビジネスプロフェッショナルと世界経済のサポートを強化

BNI® (Business Network International)とJCI™ (Junior Chamber International)は本日(2020年8月3日)、世界各地の地域経済と世界経済を後押しするグローバルなビジネスリーダーを支援するために協力する正式なパートナーシップを発表しました。



BNIの会長兼CEOであるグラハム・ワイミラーは、「私は長年にわたりJCIが築いてきた功績に敬意を表してきましたが、BNIがその活動をさらに前進させるためにサポートする機会を得られたことに感激しています。BNIの目標は、世界中のプロフェッショナルが夢を実現し、家族を支え、ビジネスを成長させることを支援することであり、個人の成長、ビジネスと起業家精神、地域社会への貢献、国際協力に焦点を当てたJCIの総合的な取り組みと強く通じる部分があります」と述べています。JCI は、ネットワーキングとプロフェッショナル育成に関して世界におけるリーダーであり、私たちが一緒に何を成し遂げられるか楽しみで仕方ありません。




BNIの刷新されたブランドと組織の詳細については、 をご覧ください。


JCIはグローバルなリーダーシップ組織であり、18歳から40歳までの若いリーダーたちに個人としての成長機会、そしてプロフェッショナルとしての能力開発の機会を提供しています。約110ヶ国からなる国際的なネットワークを通じて、社会のあらゆるセクターを結びつけ、ポジティブで永続的な変化を生み出すために、明日のリーダーを支援しています。詳細は をご覧ください。


CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — BNI® (Business Network International) and JCI™ (Junior Chamber International) announced today a formalized partnership working together to support global business leaders in boosting local and global economies worldwide.

For decades, both BNI and JCI have been committed to supporting local and global businesses, connecting community leaders and professionals, boosting economies, and providing premiere training and networking opportunities to their members and visitors. The synergies between these two organizations is striking, and both are looking forward to what they can accomplish together.

With this partnership, BNI and JCI will immediately introduce extra horsepower into their events, creating powerful opportunities for qualified professionals to connect and do business. Additionally, they will offer enhanced benefits to Members, increase visibility of these opportunities across organizations, and brainstorm further innovation & collaboration potential.

BNI’s Chairman & CEO Graham Weihmiller remarks, “I’ve admired the work JCI has done for years and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to take it a step further with support from BNI. Our goals at BNI – to help professionals around the world achieve their dreams, support their families, and grow their businesses – strongly aligns with JCI’s holistic focus on individual development, business and entrepreneurship, community action and international cooperation. JCI is a leader in the world of networking and professional development, and I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together.”

“JCI has always focused on developing leaders for a changing world, and I know that BNI can help us take that mission to the next level,” shares JCI’s Secretary General, Kevin Hin. “Our combined efforts will not only enhance what’s possible for our current members today, but also open the door to new opportunities for the broader business community globally. I look forward to completing our first phase of work together and then venturing a path forward beyond that work.”

About BNI:

BNI is the world’s largest and most successful business networking organization. BNI has nearly 270,000 Members who attend one of 9,700 weekly chapters meetings in 70 countries around the globe. BNI’s proven business networking platform provides its Members the ideal environment, technology, training, and support to help them build strong businesses. BNI Online™ is its newest product, an advanced online platform that helps Members connect in structured virtual environment. Since the beginning 2020, BNI Members have generated $7.4 billion in business through their referrals to one another.
To see the new look and learn more about BNI, go to

About JCI:

JCI, a global leadership organization, provides personal and professional development opportunities to enterprising young leaders ages 18 to 40. Through its international network of around 110 countries, JCI unites all sectors of society and empowers the leaders of tomorrow to create positive and lasting change today. For more information, visit

